HEMA - Historical European Martial Arts

One of the most important cultural heritage of Europe are its martial traditions. Sadly due to its rapid civilizational development it has been lost, as we were rapidly departing from martial to sport weapon use and guns. Yet the tradition of wielding the cold steel has not been completely forgotten, as it has been stored in thousands of written and drawn historical sources made by Europeans. European tradition consists of richest and most diverse styles of cold steel use. Therefore as one of the groups committed to the research of European martial arts we study many sources written hundreds of years ago by masters and adepts and through it we are trying to give to a modern man. In this way, alon with the oldest HEMA school in Poland ARMA-PL Kraków, we created Cracovia School of Fencing - currently the biggest HEMA center in Poland.

Beneath our video accompanying, the "To arms!" exhibition, we coauthored.

Longsword and Messer in KSF

Medieval period is the german fencing era. Paterns developped in the Holy Roman Empire were cultivated in many parts of Europe, where many regional versions of that system were created. The king of medieval weapons was longsword, a two handed knightly sword. It allowed for fencing in battle, full-armour, duels and specific later established sport competitions that has been popular in Germany. Poland also had its masters schooling in that system, flourishing many regional forms. Medieval master from Kraków, Vergil did not leave a ny manual of his own, but it is known, that he promoted the art of master Lichtenauer, the Grand Master of specialist fencing of Europe. This style can be learned in Crcovia School of Fencing. We commence our adventure with german medieval systems, according to the teaching of Grand Master with longsword and Messer

 Mistrzem z Krakowa był Wergiliusz, który niestety nie pozostawił po sobie podręcznika, jednak wiadomo iż kultywował tradycję mistrza Lichtenauera,  uznanego za praojca szermierki specjalistycznej mieczem długim. Ten styl można poznać w Krakowskiej Szkole Fechtunku. Początek naszej przygody z tradycją średniowiecza, zgodnie z naukami mistrza Lichtenauera zaczynamy z mieczem oraz kordem w ręku.

Polish Saber with KSF

Silkfencing Team is one of the few in the world that teaches the use of Polish Saber in accurate historical way since its early period of existence on our lands. Our teachers already taught in the most amount of countries than any other HEMA instructor in Poland. Everyday we are teachng this art in Cracovia School of Fencing. Understanding the true system of Polish saber is a very complex issue, as there are little direct Polish sources.That does not mean there are none. It has been written and depicted a lot. Because of that Silkfencing Team has conducted a many years research to ensure the most historical approach. In 2018 our research has been presented in our exhibiton To Arms! that has been first presented in Jagiellonian University.

Connected to our experience with tournaments and sparrings it gives out a unique system, that is not only historically accurate but adapted towards the demands of the modern pratctitioner! Silkfencing Team is promoting the system on many semianrs and lectures throughout the world!

Greatsword with KSF

"The Poles of yore, if they were on foot with the saber (kord), then either a boy or a squire would walk behind them and carry a sword [...]"

This quotation from Stanisław Sarnicki book from 1580s depicts an interesting phenomenon from renaissance Poland. Before saber became a symbol of knighthood, longsword was the sign of nobility. Polish wellborn of renaissance saw themselves as acions of these men, as such they carried a sword along with them. Tens of European fencing books treat about the use of swords, many mention Polish men among its adepts. In 16th and 17th century greatword  or Szlagszwert became its descendant, huge swords wielded by both soldiers and - like in Poland, nobles. Memoirs mention those not only as great fencers, but as the first crosscutting was connected to the greatsword use!

One of the most complete treatises of this tradition is one authored by Joachim Meyer.

Silkfencing Team cordialy invites You to greatsword training in Cracovia School of Fencing.


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